Women are the leaders of men as it’s obvious in women raising men that later become the rulers of the world. All glory to their mothers, sisters and wives that fed, kept them together, advised and impact knowledge in them to face the world. Why then do we forget is a woman’s world?
But the submission issue has being used as an advantage by men to take away so many things from women. You have to relinquish your father’s name to take that of your husband. If you prefer to combine your names people see you as being up to something. Even though men combine their wives names to form a compound name the world over, (don’t let go there in order not to be told those men are either weakling or wanting something extra from the marriage). There must always be an explanation for daring to be different and dropping outdated beliefs and traditions.
Women are to forgo their religious beliefs and take up their husbands. This religion issues led to an argument in “our family” commercial car on our way home yesterday. Some school of thoughts comprising of 3 women and 2 men believe you have to take up your husband’s religion because a woman doesn’t have religion except after marriage!!! They said and I objected.
A man that happened to be in my school of thought was crucified for supporting my claim that women do have religion among other things they rightfully have. I pointed out that women have a choice; it’s their fundamental human rights you are trying to sweep under the carpet. I was warned that the man would just chase the woman out of HIS house if she fails to comply. HIS house or their house? Why is the house HIS? In this age and time that women contribute heavily to the upkeep of their families. HIS house? And chase her away like that because she choose to practice her religion?
Despite all my explanations of several men converting and joining their wives religion or beliefs, and many women with solid examples remaining in their religion after marriage and having wonderful children and a happy family, I was still made to look controversial.
Making me look bad because I was trying to correct a wrong impression doesn’t change anything about women having their rights like that of men. Even though people have chosen to still claim and hide under traditions to cheat women. Their rights are there. Women are to baby seat them men, wash their clothes, cook their food, warm their bed, make their babies and expect nothing in return, looks more like a master/slave relationship to me.
A true love, a true marriage should be filled with happiness with both parties being the decision makers, helping each other in all ways and supporting each other every step of the way not the man/ his family or her family/ the society expecting the woman to change all her life styles for him in the name of headship, submission to his authority and wanting to remain in HIS HOUSE!!!.
We are impeccable, we are powerful, we are rich, we are the rulers of men. But why do we forget????