CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers
How does one deal with a feminist cat that does nothing but disappear all the time? Molly is getting on my nerves right now. Her siblings and son will be out playing and entering the house when they are tired or startled but not Molly!

I once thought she disappeared the first time because she didn't get along with Standtall Husband. But they are now best of friends and she is neutered. She disappeared 3 days ago right in my presence! Well, I found her the first night but she would not let me near her. She ran away! Scofield tried to be a good brother by running after her. Smallville tried to be a good son to no avail. I am really not happy with Molly's attitude. I really am not!
OH Sorry love. I am sure she'll eventually find her way home and stop being such a brat.
Dunno what i would do if Stiggy ever pulls that stunt. (thanks for being such a darling this weekend)
Can imagine that you are not happy with her. Maybe it's spring for her ? Even neutred cats can have hormonal problems. I hope she comes back soon as least when she is hungry !
I hope that cat I see under the car at home isn't Molly. Just kidding, hope she comes back soon.
Maybe she has a boyfriend outside?!?
I think like Gattina she´ll come back if she is hungry!
Good luck with your cat!!!
Hope she comes back. And judging from the last time, she might not come back when she's hungry.
Oh no, we hope she comes back soon. Extended outings can be dangerous.
Could she be pregnant? Hope she come back soon.
it seems this cat has got a mind of her own!...or maybe a boyfriend :)
Maybe she has a new man!!! sorry Standtall..i hope u find her and she stays permanently..
I hope she comes back... it is cold out here and it is scary outside....I snuck out today and mom didn't know I went out and I was out a long time and it was scary with cars going by and the wind blowing and horns honking... even though it is usually quiet on our street. I was glad she came out to get the cleaning bowl.... OH, even though she is still mad at me for this latest scheme.. she helped me type this.. I have no fingers.....
Mr. Rhett
She went't worry she will be back home to you soon.
when a womans hooked on a man you cant stop her o. lol
I hope she comes back soon! For real.
how cute of Scofield and Smallville, but you know what i think...
Bu her something that's I have!
It must be feeling like loosing a dear one, which it is.
Two of our earlier cats had this attitude as well.
One was away in the middle of the darkest winter for one week. That was scary, for all of us, even the cat.
Later, when grewing older, they did not ran away anymore.
Are you sure the neutering worked? It seems like she still wants to have some fun or she does not understand what has happened to her. Ok, Im just kidding.
Sorry oh. Hope she comes home soon.
Thank you all for your concern.
@Baroque, I shd kill my cat?
@ Rita: The neutering actually worked I just wonder what is wrong with her but like Gattina said, she might still have some homornes
@ Tigress: She cant be pregnant again. She is neutered.
Aaww...naughty cat. remind's me of my former cat, Tiger, whom I lost a few years back.
Apparently he met some stray females and they led him away from home and i never saw him again.
Maybe molly's mixing with bad company.
tuch!tuch!i think i agree with oen person more than the rest.i mean why dont u just.........
Sure glad you didn't lose that kitty.
Baroque's advise is not funny!
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