Thursday, May 12, 2011

"I had a lot of encouragement in my life and it wouldn't hurt to give the same to others where you can" - Pamela Braide

It is awesome how the online network can link people up, make you know more about those that are making enormous difference, those that are architect of peoples' life, the builders of dreams and the defenders of rights! I just met Pamela recently after she inivited as a co-contributor to the Free2run Website. I wish I had met her sooner, than our online relationship as transcended to a face-to-face meeting sooner. It is never late they say and am glad to have met the fun loving resourceful and vision filled Pamela Braide!

StandTall: You are a woman with so many caps, you are full of productive activities,(singing, writing, activism, business planning etc) can you share with us, what made you so thick?
Pamela: I have a restless and curious mind so many things interest me. I sarted out by studying Architecture and like many young people in Nigeria just chose a course that seemed "professional" yet close to my orientation which is basically creative. Ive meandered back to doing things I love now and along the journey picked up these caps. I have run a live music venue/bar, promoted shows, edit video,sing alongside the things I you know I do now... The productive part? Depends on whom you ask.

StandTall: You are a board member of KIND and you are recently the lead anchor on KIND free2run project, can you tell us more about this project?
Pamela: KIND (Kudirat Initiative for Democracy) wanted a media component to a UNIFEM supported project called 30x11 that aims to increase womens participation in the political sphere. So I was asked to think of something in context of the objectives. I figured and we all agreed that we were tired of asking and felt we should just do. Women in politics complain that the media portrayal of them is either non existent or focused on fashion, society pages and the odd scandal. Free2run is an online platform where stories focus primarily about Nigerian women in politics and leadership. We are using the internet to collate, disseminate, celebrate and lend a critical voice for women who are free 2 run.

StandTall: What do you wish free2run to achieve in 1 year?
Pamela: That a good question. I want this site to generate stories that penetrate mainstream media. I want our stories disseminated widely on social media platforms. I want free2run make women in politics and leadership ubiquitous and unmissable. This of course means the women in politics and leadership at all levels.

StandTall: Do you see yourself going into politics in a few years time?
Pamela: Am I not already? Seriously though, my answer is why not? Im free 2 run!

StandTall: What is your ideal political landscape taking into consideration the political space in Nigeria?
Pamela: I want to see citizens convert the zeal exhibited before and during the elections to participating in this democracy. I want to see women politicians starting the campaigns for 2015 right now. We at free2run want to hear their views and stories.

StandTall: Do you think there will ever be levelled play-ground for Nigeria women who are in politics or in leadership?
Pamela: The barriers are mighty but we everyday a woman somewhere shovels into the mountain patriarchy built.

StandTall: There are recent news about Gbemi Saraki's nude photos and the president aspirant Ms. Ebiti Ndok dud cheques, can we say these allegations represent what women can offer in development?
Pamela:: I wrote a piece titled Slut Shaming as the new tool for Political Intimidation which covered the Saraki issue. The very nature of the weapons employed against her shows the mindset of her opponents. Chief Ndok will be explaining herself in court so I am anxious to hear her side of the story.

StandTall: You studied architecture and as far as I'm concerned, you are an architect of people's lives, builders of people's futures, where do you get these inspirations?
Pamela: That's a lofty gele you placed on my head StandTall and I deny all such allegations at once! (lol). I genuinely like interaction with people and I'm a busy body. Why leave situation as it is when it can be better? I do a lot of youth empowerment programs under the YES Campaign, personally and with young women through KIND. All I can say is this system fails its future stars. I had a lot of encouragement in my life and it wouldn't hurt to give the same to others where you can.

StandTall: Who are your role models and why are they your role models?
Pamela: My role model is my mom. She is very accomplished, yet kind, humble and witty to boot.

StandTall: If you are approach by an higher being to change the world and you are giving just a choice, what will you change?
Pamela: I would turn down the greed button in the world and then wave an equity magic wand because believe more women in charger will improve things.

1 comment:

Myne said...

What an encouraging interview. I'll be checking out the free 2 run place.

My Passion, my focus, the change that I want to see in the world - is my propellent factor.

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