Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here and there

Here: For the rich, the famous and the influential:
I read in a magazine just recently of different weddings of the rich, the famous and the influential in Nigeria. Pastor Okotie and wife, Quincy’s daughter, Governor of (which state now) daughter and last and the one that I will talk briefly about here is Halimat Dangote!!!
Picture taking from Bella Naija's blog
I read that the wedding was elaborate and a lot of dignitaries attended. Well, what do you expect of a daughter of a business mogul? A man that owns so many conglomerates in Nigeria. He surprised the daughter by given her an open cheque to shop for her wedding. I read that she went to France, Dubai, London and where else to buy her wedding gowns, shoes, etc. It was reported that she spent about N50, 000,000 (50 Million Naira) on her shopping.
Waoh, I cannot pretend that is not a lot of money. I looked again to be sure I saw the right figure and thought to myself that the press might have exaggerated but Dangote is rich and they might get the figure right. It feels good to be able to afford the good things of life. At a moment I was like why didn’t I have the same opportunity? Why couldn’t my parents be rich? Then the answer came to me: Though I am not physically rich but I have all it takes within me to be rich.
Though not in her shoe but I feel such money could have been put to a better use. Perhaps no other better use can come to mind since she was born into money and all. The material and cash gifts received at her wedding are enough to even feed her new family forever.

There: for the “mis-purpose”, the mis-led, and the “mis-followed”:
I read somewhere too that the Director- General of Nigerian Stock Exchange Ndidi Okereke-Onyiuke, was planning a dinner an event organized by her Africa for Obama” group. The initial aim I heard was to raise money for Obama’s campaign. For what purpose I asked but could not get any answer. I wonder why they set out to do that knowing fully well that they did not meet any criteria stipulated by Obama funding raising initiative.
Anyway, they had the dinner and raised over 100million. The dinner cost some people N2.5 million for a platinum table. After raising the funds, I was not to wait forever before I saw another newspaper caption that “Obama disowned the group!!!” Then Ndidi announced in another newspaper that the money raised was not for Obama’s campaign but to “mobilize” support for Obama election.

I don’t know how to translate this nonsense. Why do we need to raise money in Nigeria to mobilize for Obama’s election? Are we sending delegate to be going from house to house in USA asking black American, Africans or Nigerians living there to please go out and vote for Obama? Is this a black thing? Aren’t we going to even put Obama at a disadvantage if we go all out screaming he is black, he is our own blah blah blah? Are we racists now? What benefit do we wish to drive from Obama being the president- free visa or what?
A controversial human rights lawyer Festus Keyamo has since petitioned the group via EFCC. I read this morning in the Nation Newspaper that Ndidi has being arrested by EFCC for questioning over the purpose fo the dinner and what they intend to use the money for. We so much like “O wambe” in Nigeria hence the dinner. I just wonder if our “O wambe” can’t be more purposeful like raising money for the orphans, the sick, and the disadvantaged. I have seen other groups for Obama in Nigeria such as Obama Initiative for Africa and some expensive sign post with "Vote for Obama" and his picture on it. I just don't understand our intentions any more “o wambe” means party.


Afrobabe said...


lol..still dancing around...


Afrobabe said...

Lmao @ ndidi being arrested for the Obama thing…serves her right oloshi ( insult, don’t ask me the meaning) has she finished getting money for the poor and hungry in Nigeria…hope they give her 3 years at least…

But then again…only in naija!!!

onydchic said...

Ah yes, another example of Nigerians and their misplaced priorities. Most Nigerians are only campaigning for him because he's black. Ask them for his view on issues and they wouldn't know.

We have bigger issues than campaigning for a guy that is hundreds of miles away.

That Ndidi of a woman should focus on the fact that our Stock Exchange has become a national cause for high blood pressure.

I'm already immensely irritated with Nigeria for a host of other reasons, this doesn't help my mood.

Flourishing Florida said...

Dangote's daughter spent 50 Million on shopping alone! not like d entire wedding! hmmmm ... na wa o. oh well, na dem money, wetin i fit say. it's like they'd spend dat money on other things anyways. it'd probably have been sitting on their bank accounts, gaining dem interest or whatever.

as 4 the Ndi thing, am ashamed of her. i tot she was a really intelligent woman & i expected a bit more common sense 4rm her. yeah, i read d thing abt EFCC too. as far as dat goes, na show! nothing EFCC fit do am, na all charade. but seriously, she shld have exercised better judgment.

LG said...

Haba!!!! swerri u nor tell me say u don update ni', i just 'kack' dey wait for 'molly' with my 'chinese',
no wahala sha, i go come afta 'molly' deliver the goods, oops!!! i meant the food (lollllllllllll)

i dey wait o

The Activist said...

@Afrobabe: yes o. U r no 1!!! I dont know why our peeps always devote time to wrong purpose

@Onydchic: ah sorry about your mood mi-lady. You have said it all

@ FFF: huge money really for shopping not for the wedding itself. And you r right about Ndi lack of better jugdement

@ LG: sorry it skipped my mind. Ma binu dearie. I will ask Molly pikin abt the time they will bring the food o

aloted said...

And they will say there is no money in wan dey die!

I tire for us o..and our misplaced priorites.

I will like to know how the investigation goes and what really that money was raised for.

Nonsense and Ingredient!

poeticallytinted said...

This is a clear case of drinking panadol over another man headache when typhoid fever dey worry you!
What nonsense? I have followed the very unfortunate "Nigeria for Obama" group of money miss road unintelligent Nigerians who can't look around them and see all the good they can do in their own country. They are not even eligible to vote in Yankee. Is it not madness? eh Standtall? Imagine! Abeg make i no vex. It made me very very to the power of 1million happy when obama disowned them!!!!

Halimat seems a very sweet person oh. I worked with her briefly... but 50million bucks??????!!!!! Seriously...

Jinta said...

good for dangote and his daughter although there are questions as to the source of his wealth thru the dantata/dangote axis, at least he is one of the biggest employers in nigeria now. he reminds me of abiola

as for that ndidi woman, i will not even bother

Anonymous said...

Reading stories like that jus reassures me that I am going to be stinkingly rich like that one day and spend that much on ma daughter's wedding...

Naija Idol said...

it serves her right! wat happened to all the orphans???? those homes dat do not have enough to take care of d children. its really annoying. seriously!

doll (retired blogger) said...

When i heard bout the campaign thing i said to myself this woman must be crazy. Good for her.

About Dangote what can i say? nothing...

Buttercup said...

well, dangote has got the money..he might as well splurge it on his daughter..i get ur point tho..50mill on shoppin alone is a tad too much..oh well!

as for naijas raisin for funds for obama's campaign..that is just beyond in, what the hell r they tryin to prove?? i've got nothin against him, i actually do want him to win, but naija is in enough debt as it is, y havent they organised fund raisin to pay our debts n reduce the poverty issues??? may God help that country..


I think Ndi is one of the left overs of Obasanjo group who do nothing than cajole Nigerians on wasting money on everything, i think its her judgement day. they think Americans are like Nigerians who leave issues and pursue shadows. God punish them all and their stolen millions. Ndi should be held responsible 4 the downward sloping of the stock market.

isha said...

Chei! I'm as rich as I say I am. So good for her that she spend so much money on her wedding. She doesn't know better.

O'Dee said...

You got d heading right; “mis-purpose”, the mis-led, and “mis-followed”.

Aspa Dangote's daughter, she has 2 spen d money.

Jay said...

i don't even know what to that woman thought obama needed the money more than nigerians...STUPID!!!

I hear weddings are very expensive ooo...well it seems her daddy wanted to splurge, so be it. Some people have more money than sense...

The Activist said...

@Aloted: right choice of word "misplaced priority".

@poeticallytinted formally Adorable: ah no vex jare my systa.

@Jinta: ah u dont want to waste ur breath on a sorry case. I feel you

@Naijaidol: my sentiment exactly

@Doll: I am waiting for you to change your name to Naijadoll o (lol). I tire for this our funny mentality for Naija o

@Buttercup: you so put everything in right perspective on this Obama fund raising. How r you doing?

@Odeleye Samuel Idowu: Ah your name long o. This issue really touched you because u really cursed them here o....

@Isha: you feel me. My husband said Paris Hilton woudl have done same.

@Oluwadee: you really feel me on this

@Jarrai: isnt this the problem we are facing in Nigeria?

bumight said...

I laughed out loud when i read about the obama dinner. talk of somebody that is carrying other people's problems on their head, and dragging their with their hand.

we Nigerians like what is good, and just like to feel among. And if a charismatic candidate as obama were to rise up in Nigeria, I'm sure he wouldn't receive this much support.

funkola said...

@ buttercup: a 'tad' too much ke?? tad just doesn't begin to cap it, it's a whole lorra money.
as for the ndi and obama thing, se obinrin yen gbadun sha?

Smaragd said...

i am outrightly ashamed of that woman! and i would like for her to explain what shed did with the money, mcheeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww. as if Obama needs our votes.

as per Dangote... i rest my case.

so u went to OAU as well? i read it at Jinta's, an i've since coined u "my personal person".

p.s. that 86 yr old man with a gazillion wives and kids should be hanged! and the wives flogged! nonsense and concobility.

chi-grace said...

...I want to be that girls friend jooo.....

The Activist said...

@ Bumight: In fact if candidate like Obama shd appear for Naija they will make sure they kill her/his dream

@ Funkola: thanks for stopping by? In fact you ask the right question I dont think Ndi is all right

@Esmeralda: another great Ife!!! Thanks for confusing from Samardg to Esmeralda. You r too much. Thanks for coined me "your personal person". I am honored. The man wiv 86 wives is being threatened to pick 4 or risk going to jail by Islamic Scholars.

@Chi-grace: thanks for stopping by. Yeah, it's good to be a friend to someone like that (lol)

funkola said...

is it just me or is the dangote wedding groom looking unhappy in the picture? hehehe! he's thinking "am i sure i can handle this"?

The Activist said...

@Funkola: I thought so too. He looked downcast,, beaten

Anonymous said...

Thanks "Stand Tall" for gracing my blog.

Her priorities are out of wack... Very disappointed in her.

As for the person saying majority of Nigerians want Obama because he's black. I strongly disagree, you can go to to read his policies and see why majority of Nigerians want him. I would say most people that don't want to vote for him is either because of their moral values a.k.a abortion, gay rights, e.t.c(which is certainly allowed), or they just don't want a black man in the white house. Don't get me started on politics.

As far as 50mill on shopping. He is the richest man in Naija, what do you expect? Even people that are not as rich as he is splurge for their daughters wedding. Naija is all about show off.

DB said...

u know Nigerian so-called leaders are always looking for ways to embarrass us like they believe they are actually ruling dummies. Well, I guess with the way they ve bin sabotaging the education system, especially the Universities, that's their aim in the long run.
Or by the time all viable Nigerians ve relocated abroad they would end up ruling a country filled with foreigners who don't know any better.
I think what People like The NSE fat woman shuld really do is write out a petition begging to make Nigeria the fifty first state of America.
With the way she's been bragging about her green card status ...
I choose to say no more.
Disappointed or disappointing, is an understatement!!!!

Zayzee said...

(Though I am not physically rich but I have all it takes within me to be rich.)

u r so right about that sentence.

and really, why waste such money?

leave all these people thinking they can help Obama

Tears said...

Darn i was invited to that wedding but couldn't make cousins were busy yarning me what happened...don't think she grew up with her parents coz i use see her another place often for years...they all look lovely and may God bless them and their home.Ameen!

thnx for coming by :P

The Activist said...

@ Tolani: thanks for stopping by too. I so agree with your perspective on this Obama saga and I see your point on the expensive shopping for the wedding

@ DB: and that is the thing disappointment upon disappointment. When are we going to start thinking in this country?

@Uzezi: thanks for appreciating my perspective on being rich within

@ Tears: no, I dont think she grew up with either the mother or Dangote cos his 2 marriages failed. He is said to be too busy for marriage. The press referred to her as the favourite daughter of Dangote

aloted said...

my people have u seen this website
for Obama by the Lagos state house of assembly???

My husband is blaming obama now o..says there is something about the guy him dey attract

The Activist said...

@ Aloted: I will check the link out right now but even if is the one attracting Nigerians, we must be careful how we let these things influence our better judgement

The Activist said...

@ aloted: ah at last I am about to know more about Obama Nigeria Initiative

Allied said...

You are kidding me? “Vote for Obama in Nigeria? Are u serious? Do they realize that people that are to vote for Obama need to be citizen of America? What are Obama’s views and promises that affect Nigerians? Even Nigerians here in the states?

Ahh, some people like efizi sha!! 2.5Million for a platinum table? With no take away I imagine... Gosh! Opolo awon kan ti sonu - Some poople do not have brains

The Activist said...

@Allied: I am not kidding o. And you are right "Opolo awon kan ti sonu"

Tairebabs said...

When I heard about the group and Ndidi's less than brillian initiative, all I could think of was how silly and misguided we can be sometimes. With all the hungry people in Nigeria (not that some people are not enjoying o) ...infact let me not even go too far, third mainland bridge that they closed down why can't they use the money raised to build another bridge abi Ndidi and co. no dey pass third mainland? They should put the money raised to another use. Call it obama bridge if they like. Hisss O'wambe people!

Ore said...

What a gorgeous bride!!!!

As for Nigerians for Obama, we've already had that discussion.

Mz. Dee said...

kai... popsi was sayin dis thing o! and i just fashied him.. warrahell are they raisin money for???

dem too lyk 419 jo. haba.

Jen Juma said...

Oprah built a 'classy' school in South Africa and is builing another but Dangote? See all the 'almajirai' street begging little boys in Bauchi, Kano and Kaduna.

In a third world country, I think 50m on wedding shopping is too much even if you have it.

bArOquE said...

see eh Standtall, i was doing just fine until i read the bit about Ndi & Obama...WHAT THE FUCK ON GOD'S EARTH WAS THAT ABOUT???...good to hear Obama deny's them...& i hope EFCC really arrests her, for any reason at all...they will only wreck the man's ambitions...DREAMERS!!!...

bArOquE said...

abeg, back to the upper post, that bride is a queen, beauty defined...i told a friend that one of Dangote's daugther's should fall in love with me, i shall marry her faster than you can say NO LONG THING...anyway, the reason for all the dough they spent was so that people like me & you can have some stimulating stuff to read and blog about...RUBBISH

The Activist said...

@ Ore: yes she is sure gorgeous. And yes we already discussed the Obama case

@ Mz.DEE: lol at dem too like 419

@ Ladi: I wonder why we dont like taking clue from pple like Oprah...

@ Baroque: You are funny o. I so like how u ended your discussions with DREAMERS and RUBBISH. I got your drift

AustynZOGS said...

You see what Nigeria is all about-one nation being led by lots of insensitive people.How can someone spend 50million Naira on a wedding shopping spree and another raked in 100million for someone out there in America who might not know where Nigeria is located on the Map of Africa? Here is a country where so many people are languishing in abject poverty.What stuff are we made of??
Standtall,keep your head high and so much thanks for visiting my blogsite

The Activist said...

@ Tairebabs: you are so right. It wont be bad to have another bridge and they can name it after Obama for all I care

AustynZOGS: hmmmm I sigh. I wonder why pple forget ab masses when they become rich. You are welcome!!!

Unknown said...

Nigerians and drama! Don't you think we should organise a bloggers fund raising dinner for Obama? Lol!


Don said...

What does that amount of money signal in american dollars? whatever the amount, I'm sure it's still a large sum that only proves that money is meant for one thing and one thing only - to be spent. LOL. Sometimes I wish I had been born into a rich family. Then I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life on this endless paper chase.

Grahamn Kracker said...

Hi Standtall - No sleep, too long, too tired to form words to comment. So just say "hi."

The Activist said...

@ Dammy: I think we shd organise bloggers funding raising for hmmm not Obama but for the orphans

@ Don: hmmmmmmm endless paper chase. Me too

GK: thanks. Hope you slept well

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

I did not hear about the Ndidi/Obama thing. My question is, wetin take concern gorimakpa with shower cap? (one of my new razz First of all, campaigns are only allowed to receive donations up to a certain amount per group/individual, so obviously they didnt plan to give all the $$$ to him. Second of all, with all the problems in Nigeria, they couldnt raise money to build schools, or hospitals, or fix roads, or something useful..
Finally, as much as I'm sure Obama might appreciate their gesture if he gets to hear about it-why wont they focus on supporting our own politicians? How many Americans giv a flip about Nigerian elections? Hypocrisy....

The Activist said...

@ NDQ: Obama actually disown the group saying he would not accept the donation from them. I read somewhere that Obama grp abroad wrote a letter that was published in the Punch Newspaper. Punching this dinner right in the stomach by saying the money woudl not be accepted. May be that is when Ndi now turn it to mobilization money!!!

Anonymous said...

"We so much like owambe." LOL! I read in today's papers (Leadership) that Nigerians want Ndidi fired. I just think the lady miscalculated (another mis), too wrong a move! Newaiz, Dangote's shopping ... dunno if the guy is into philanthropy but it's hard earned, deserves to be hard-spent :)

Anonymous said...

By the way, I have one relative like dat dat was just saving his millions 'stingily' until he got badly duped. That changed his mindset to start living like everyday was his last, after he got out of depression: shopping, travelling, giving ... hehe! His mantra must now be, "If you've got it, SPEND IT!"

Tairebabs said...

@ NDQ: I couldn't have said it better. The gorimakpa thing was funny sha.

Woomie O! said...

I haven't been here in forever. i I just read Tolu Ogunlesi's note on Facebook, it's hilarious!
i'm really disappointed that of all the pressing National issues to resolve, Ndi and co. threw all their frigging negative financial weight on Obama.

Anonymous said...

Just came from Naija Sha's blog reading the same nonsense about fundraiser, my comment was in line with yours, are they doing it because he is black??? That would have put him at a disadvantage! Absolutely! Thanks for the clarification and back story.

About the wedding and the rich people, lucky for me, I don't measure my success by the amount of money I have or don't have. I did at one time and let me tell you when the money was gone, so was my happiness. My lesson from God then was this, if I didn't find true happiness and contentment in him, I will never be able to live life the way he wants me to. I realised also, Jesus, the most content, perfect man in this world didn't even have electricity, yet he was full of joy. That is my example and who I always compare myself to. Sorry for the long comment, I'm so passionate about this issue especially coming from a background of people measuring their success by how many houses or cars they have. Nonsense!

And thanks for the sweet email, I just updated my blog today.
Lotsa Luv babes and keep doing whatchu doing!

The Activist said...

@ Brown Sugar: kinda like this your "SPEND IT" philosophy. I will just be ading "WISELY" to it.

@ Tairebabs: i laughed at the "GORIMAPA" thing myself

@ Wommie O: running away sister. Welcome o. I gotta had Tolu to my facebook list so I can read what u have read too

@ Abbie: it's good to have you back. Your reasoning with bieng wealthy is so full of wisdom. I concur!!! And on Obama like they say great minds think alike hence our thinking...

The Activist said...

@ Brown Sugar: kinda like this your "SPEND IT" philosophy. I will just be ading "WISELY" to it.

@ Tairebabs: i laughed at the "GORIMAPA" thing myself

@ Wommie O: running away sister. Welcome o. I gotta had Tolu to my facebook list so I can read what u have read too

@ Abbie: it's good to have you back. Your reasoning with bieng wealthy is so full of wisdom. I concur!!! And on Obama like they say great minds think alike hence our thinking...

Unknown said...

Still we live in hope...
Priorities...when would (we) Nigerians get it?

The Activist said...

@ Naijalines: I do hope we will soon get our priorities right in Nigeria. I even fear for our generation cos some of us wanting to be leaders have worse issues than these ones

princekay123 said...

Naija for show! Let Dangote show jo. Na dem get Naija. He is richer than some countries in Africa, so what do you expect.

As for Ndidi, I hope she will realise her mistake on time. Instead of bragging with her PhD and Greencard, I expect her to apologise to Nigerians and promise never to involve herself in that kind if mess again.
The truth is that nobody is perfect. It is normal for Obama to deny the group so that the prosecution will not be used against him by the Americans since America is a place where public opinion works effectively unlike Nigeria where the opinion of the people is useless.
Pls let us pardon Ndidi and forg ahead. We still need her to restructure the NSE.
That's my view

Rayo said...

what? wat is ndi's business wt obama. dis country sef. i wonder how much went into the total wedding thenif dangote's pikin spent 50 milla on shopn only.

The Activist said...

@ Princekay123: A lot of Nigerians are now calling for Ndi's resignation. It doesnt look like she is gonna be pardoned yet

@ Rayo: that's what we are faced with in Nigeria of today. May God help us

NikkiSab said...

I am plain green with envy and sort of pained about d amount spent for a one day event. Vanity upon vanity. I wish dem well and I truely do hope de stay togeda.

Bunmmy said...

lol at ' What benefit do we wish to drive from Obama being the president- free visa or what?' u just drove home d truth. we for Dangote all i can say is ???

Anonymous said...

One of the gossip magazines in Nigeria once said Dangote wasnt married and hes family we worried cause they thought he was impotent, it kind of believeable cos i hd never seen his wife unlike the Okoyas of this world. I was shocked to see he had a grown up daughter, that guy though doesnt look comfortable.

For Madam Obese raising funds for Obama, i find it hard to believe that wasnt a money laundering scheme.

The Activist said...

@ Nikkisab: na so

@ Bunmmy: Hmmm never knew there was so much truth in my observation. Thanks dearie

@Sprezatura: Money laundering scheme fits this saga.
On Dangote, he had 3 daughters but his wives left him a long time ago. With him Business comes first hence the collapse marriage

Unknown said...

you've got a great blog! thanks for stopping by earlier. Let's keep in touch


Anonymous said...

Hi Standtall,
thanks for stopping by my blog.

I'm curious to read more about the Nigerians for Obama. I don't believe they can contribute to his presidential campaign so I wonder how that money will be used.

Ingrid said...

Ridiculous to spend money for a wedding and for what ? to get divorced two years later ?
(BTW I am married for 40 years, lol)

The Activist said...

@ Blog Queen: you are welcome

@aoc gold; thank for stopping by. I wonder if this peom has something to do with the discussion. I couldnt link it. Will u help me? You inter use "honey and money" any reason?

@femmeautonome: they said they were goint to use the money to persuade Nigerians to talk to thier relatives abroad to vote for Obama

@ Gattina: good perspective really. How is married life wiv you? Thanks for stopping by

Tinu said...


Anonymous said...

Oh shut up standtall. He has the money and he worked hard for it I don't see how its your business that he spent it on his daughter. Afterall many nigerian politicians STEAL money and spend it on their family but no, you wont do a blog post on that one o, ity's the one that worked hard for the money. hisssssssssssssss.

Besides it's all just a rumour you heard! Tell me, did Halima herself tell you that? NO! Busy body no go kill you. As for his wife (Yes it was only 1, I happen to know them!) who consine you? Leave the guy jare... bad belle go kill naija people o!

The Activist said...

@ Bitter Truth: hmmmm you should have just followed your own advice: Truth is bitter. Hence your outrageous, subjectiv, and rude response to my post.
Thanks for stopping by.
BTW Dangote said in an interview that he has children from 2 women. I bet you don’t know that even though you know them (lol)

Anonymous said...

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