But they claimed I am naive and we should wait and see. Then we waited and now we eventually saw. The PEOPLE, yes the PEOPLE, they showed that they matter. They showed that in America is all about the PEOPLE and not about the selfish interest of some certain group. Not about god-fatherism and it's not about racism! Now I am hearing if they will let him last. They might asssisnate him! Gimme a break! Why do we always fail to see positive side of things. Why do we think the world will always be about racism, blacksm or whitism?
We need to continue to live together as one. We need to learn to put behind us those pas

Today is a penultimate day for the world...a black man enters the white house voted by a spectrum of Americans...black and white in a landslide victory. What a day hopefull rush today has brought with it!!
All hail Obama! He sure deserves to win!!!
I'm so happy for Obama, he has proven that barriers can be broken and dreams can become true. What people thought was impossible a year ago, has now happened before our very eyes. And we also have a black First Lady!
Anyway, as the incoming president of the US, he has a lot on his plate to deal with. Now I just hope the people that elected him as president will be patient with him and know that the promises he made will not happen overnight.
But I await the day when Nigeria will have a leader like Obama that we can believe in, who will serve rather than rule.
I've just been tear-jerked by the pics and stories I've seen online all day.
I then proceeded to depress myself by thinking about Nigerian politics.
ive never been this proud to be black b4, its amazing
ive never been this proud to be black b4, its amazing
This is big you know , never been so hyper-excited my whole life. America is changing for good. First time a black lady in the white house. This is big. I loved this post.
"They" got their answer yesterday.
There is power in the audacity of hope. If we Nigerians dare to have this same kind of positivity-we too, can have change we can believe in.
....and we need not give them audience.
Obama winning is just proof that 'cos 'thas not been done before does not mean one cannot do it. 'tis a new dawn of HOPE, let's all consciously and continually keep HOPE alive.
Here I am, living in Wasilla, Alaska, home of Sarah Palin, my Governor and I did not vote for her, I voted for Barack Obama!
Many people in Wasilla did.
And now I feel like the sun that seemed to be setting on America might just be turning around, and rising again. Those people your friends warned you about are out there, all right, even if their numbers are smaller then some may have believed.
They are there, and they are going to do all they can to thwart this man, but my belief is that Obama has the smarts to outwit them and the determination and integrity to become a great President.
Did you ever check out my other blog?
In the November 2 entry, there is a picture of a man playing an African instrument down in the tunnels of the New York subway system.
Maybe someone can identify that instrument for me.
And how are you doing, dear friend Standtall? I have been too busy to keep up with anything, but I look forward to your next email.
The world is changing. I am so happy that we are all ready to eradicate barrier of limitations
Onyeka: I do hope we embrace new hope in Nigeria. Things need to change
GK: I visited the other blog. I will try and go back there to see if I can identify the instrument. Your voting for Obama shows that you believe in him. I am so happy you did not put sentiment into whom you voted for. You could have gone for Palin but u didnt.
Ah Aloofar but u dropped this comment yesterday na. And u said u have not dropped comment lately
Favoured Girl: I do hope Nigeria will realise soon that we need leaders like Obama
Fresh and Fab: you dropped comment on my blog? Unbelievable!
Jarrai: Let's drink to this
YankeeNaijaBabe: that makes the 2 of us
NDQ :I couldnt agree more
Rethots: Darn Right!
Honestly, im one of the 'they' that has been worried bout him gettin assassinated..i guess God that put Him up there will def protect him.
How r u standtall?
Obama is greatly blessed and is destined to do the unimaginable .... so just watch out
while i am enamered with the possibility of a black man being president of the united states
i dont think the president has real power anymore
i think its the people behind him that tell him what to do
the president is just a figure head like the queen of england or something
let freedom reign
James Turban: Really?
The Friend: Yes!
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