Yeah, I am Garfield, the best hunter, the best baby momma (if you compare me with my sister Molly), the best behaved feline kid of Standtall- if the early morning whining and purring I engage in are not brought to book. But for sure, no cat uses the litter box better than I do. Standtall Husband thought me how to use the box in the cruelest way existing. I was always messing up the floor and when I didn’t listen to his warnings he started kicking the hell out of me with his foot! I could not bear this for long so I learnt to use the litter box.

Momma Standtall could testify, I would rather hold my bowel till the place is changed or I will use it like that by managing the edge in case she wasn’t in to change it. We have run out of sand for our box and Momma Standtall could not get litter in all the super mall/markets she has visited. Somebody should please start supplying this in Nigeria or else. So, she brought a good news that Poeticallytinted (that name is long guys) promised to give us some whenever she gets her supply from abroad. Thank you Adorable- Standtall said we can call you that. How is Siggy my nephew doing? I breastfed him you know?
I do love kittens, I want to have more but I am due to be neutered soon. I took care of all my sister’s kittens as she was an uncaring mother and I looked forward to having more to care for. But Momma Standtall and her friend Grahamn Kracker would not let me be. This is so unfair!
Something new happened in our lives; we relocated to a new place. This place is more conducive as no heavy noise due to passage of vehicles could disturb us no more. The place is finer and all that but I was not quick to notice, my sister Molly too. Only our brother Scofield took in everything, the serenity of the new place and all. We were to dumbstruck and afraid to explore. Off we went to hide under the bed for a couple of days. We still hide if we see visitors. We come out only when Standtall alone is around. Don’t blame me and my sister, it’s better to be annoyingly save than sorry. I pity my curious bother, he will land himself in trouble one of these days.

This was supposed to be shocking but thank goodness for the turn in the event; Momma Standtall, was going to get me neutered and give me away to a Canadian woman that wants cat! Why me? She said I was well behaved and somewhat independent (so was that a problem?) and I would not give this woman any problem. I really did not want to meet this new person. I am happy here. As it happened, the woman’s daughter does not like a cat. I won! The vet is giving us a new date, may be I will get a neighbouring cat to get me pregnant before the vet is ready. I wanna win this too. Am really praying for some miracle here.
Nice meeting ya all on this page. I shall be back after my sister; Molly. Don’t want to say a thing about her because I don’t want anyone to get angry at me for saying the truth… She can be complicated at times.

Momma Standtall could testify, I would rather hold my bowel till the place is changed or I will use it like that by managing the edge in case she wasn’t in to change it. We have run out of sand for our box and Momma Standtall could not get litter in all the super mall/markets she has visited. Somebody should please start supplying this in Nigeria or else. So, she brought a good news that Poeticallytinted (that name is long guys) promised to give us some whenever she gets her supply from abroad. Thank you Adorable- Standtall said we can call you that. How is Siggy my nephew doing? I breastfed him you know?
I do love kittens, I want to have more but I am due to be neutered soon. I took care of all my sister’s kittens as she was an uncaring mother and I looked forward to having more to care for. But Momma Standtall and her friend Grahamn Kracker would not let me be. This is so unfair!
Something new happened in our lives; we relocated to a new place. This place is more conducive as no heavy noise due to passage of vehicles could disturb us no more. The place is finer and all that but I was not quick to notice, my sister Molly too. Only our brother Scofield took in everything, the serenity of the new place and all. We were to dumbstruck and afraid to explore. Off we went to hide under the bed for a couple of days. We still hide if we see visitors. We come out only when Standtall alone is around. Don’t blame me and my sister, it’s better to be annoyingly save than sorry. I pity my curious bother, he will land himself in trouble one of these days.
This was supposed to be shocking but thank goodness for the turn in the event; Momma Standtall, was going to get me neutered and give me away to a Canadian woman that wants cat! Why me? She said I was well behaved and somewhat independent (so was that a problem?) and I would not give this woman any problem. I really did not want to meet this new person. I am happy here. As it happened, the woman’s daughter does not like a cat. I won! The vet is giving us a new date, may be I will get a neighbouring cat to get me pregnant before the vet is ready. I wanna win this too. Am really praying for some miracle here.
Nice meeting ya all on this page. I shall be back after my sister; Molly. Don’t want to say a thing about her because I don’t want anyone to get angry at me for saying the truth… She can be complicated at times.
How nice to meet the whole cat family ! You look so cute and I had to laugh about your post ! I hope the new room is now adopted.
Funny. Howze the new house ST? Clearly it is more conducive for your kitty clan. so when is the haus warming?
Garfield dear, Stiggy is doing very well, he is so big now you may not recognise him anymore. As for the cat litter, I will bring some for you when I travel in December. Hope you can wait till then. :D
AS much as i dislike cats it was actually nice reading this. u'll make me like cats at this
Garfield sounds really cool
I'm praying for you Garfield. Me sef, I hope someone gets you pregnant b4 the vet's appointment. The bible says, "be fruitful & multiply"
Standtall, let her multiply again!
you almost got to me garfield, almost, but the fear of Cat Scratch Disease is the beginning of wisdom, so I'll say "hi, twas nice meeting you" - from afar of course!
I love cats. We had two growing up, jamie and lucy. Yours are really pretty.
Standtall...this is so nice... I like Garfield...
So u wanted to give him to the Canadian woman? Thot u really cared about him :-(
Gattina: thanks you. We have now adopted the new flat. We move freely about and get curious about visitors
Poeticallytinted: We cant wait to have the litter! Greet Stiggy and tell him not to overweigh
Aloted: what have we done not to deserve your love? Cats rock u know
Vera: I hope Standtall doesnt see this. But I appreciate your support
Bumight: Standtall told me you dont like us. Calm down, we are so harmless
Sting: where are Jammie and Lucy now?
Rita: Standtall really cares o. But we are handful. She told me she would miss me and now that am still here she said "thank God"!
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